Our Plan to fix the Housing Crisis

Sign our Petition

NSW has a housing crisis, and young people are facing the brunt of it. Sky-high rents and unimaginable house prices mean that owning a home is getting further and further out of reach.

We call on the NSW Government to address the housing crisis by:

  • Removing NIMBY-style barriers to building new housing by creating a Greater Sydney Planning Authority

  • Introducing a vacant property tax to help bring empty houses onto the market

  • Ending the public housing wait-list by 2030

  • Making landlords provide references to prospective tenants to weed out dodgy landlords, just like tenants already have to do for landlords

  • Banning all rent bidding in NSW

Check out Young Labor Secretary, LJ Margeit’s article, The Key to Tackling the Housing Crisis in the Activist on Housing here.

Are you a member of NSW Labor?

NSW Young Labor is asking our members to move our template motion at your local branches, SECs, and FECs.

While this housing crisis affects everyone, like with so many other issues facing Australia and the world over the last few years, young people are disproportionately wearing the brunt of it.

Faced with drastically increasing rents and the dream of property ownership slipping further and further out of reach, action is needed now to ensure this crisis doesn’t get any worse.

You can find the motion here.