Young Labor’s Multiculturalism in Politics Panel

The Young Labor for Multiculturalism Network organised our 'Multiculturalism in Politics Panel' on September 26, 2023 with special guests: Member for Fairfield, David Saliba MP, Member for Liverpool, Charishma Kaliyanda MP, Deputy Lord Mayor Rachelle Harika, and former NSW Young Labor presidents Geeth Geeganage and Paul Mills.

The discussions focused on the evolution of multiculturalism in Australian politics and highlighted the importance of engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) perspectives in the ALP.

The panellists shared their experiences and emphasised the need for increased support and encouragement for members of CALD communities to pursue political careers. Young Labor was encouraged to lead in promoting CALD representation within the political sphere.

The discussions we held underscore the need to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for all people, regardless of cultural background, within the political landscape of Australia.


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Young Labor President’s Report - October 2023