The Activist Online

Issue 4 (Coming Soon)

Issue 5 (Coming Soon)

Issue 2 Dilan Bogdanovski Issue 2 Dilan Bogdanovski

The solution to reaching the aspirationals

As a son of immigrants, born and raised in the western suburbs of Sydney, I understand the struggles too many migrant parents face. I’ve witnessed firsthand what it looks like to try to make ends meet week-to-week and the hard sacrifices it takes simply to ensure a better…

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Issue 2 Humaira Nasrin Issue 2 Humaira Nasrin

Women and the new normal

During this pandemic, a phrase that has often been thrown around is the ‘new normal’. The concept of the new normal describes a far-from-ideal situation, from which many crave the return of the ‘old normal’…

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Issue 2 Veronica Ficarra Issue 2 Veronica Ficarra

Our sustainable future

Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers is right - it’s not too early to star thinking about Australia after the COVID-19 crisis. The public health emergency of COVID-19 has been unexpected, disruptive, and…

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Issue 1 Izzy Cork Issue 1 Izzy Cork

My Experience with the TWU

Everyone in my family has been longstanding union members, and I understood the immense value they hold. Despite this, before my internship at the NSW Branch of the Transport Workers’ Union and…

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Issue 1 Emma Hogan Issue 1 Emma Hogan

“You’re cordially invited…”

During the 2019 federal election, door knocking the streets of St Mary’s, my local Labor candidate and I were insistent that our campaign flyers were not “junk mail” but rather “an invitation to participate...

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